The Who - My Generation

Moja generacija rođendan proslavlja i 3. 12.

GPS za dušu Vremeplov

Razni se trenuci obilježavaju kao ključni za rađanje rocka ili za neka njegova prijelomna poglavlja. Takav je album ”My Generation”, nastupno izdanje grupe The Who, poslije čijeg izlaska, 3. 12. 1965. godine, u rocku ništa više nije bilo isto.

Od oznake ‘kulturološki značajnog’ do uvrštavanja u američki nacionalni registar presudnih snimaka, od svrstavanja među 50 najvećih britanskih rock albuma svih vremena do tvrdnje o “the hardest mod pop ever” ili samo jednostavnog opisa ”jedan od važnih razloga zašto volimo rock and roll”, album i pjesma ”My Generation” s autorskim potpisom gitariste Petea Townshenda rezultirali su jednim od velikih trenutaka rocka.

Happy birthday, my generation.

Various moments are marked as crucial to the birth of a rock or some of its breakaway chapters. Such is the album “My Generation”, the release of the group The Who, after their release on December 3, 1965, nothing was the same in rock.

From the label ‘culturally significant’ to the incorporation into the US National Record of crucial recordings, from ranking among the 50 greatest UK rock albums of all time to the claim of ‘the hardest mod pop ever’ or just a simple description ” one of the important reasons why we love rock and roll” – album and song ” My Generation ” with the signature of the guitarist Pete Townshend resulted in one of the great moments of rock.